Sorry it's been so long since my last post. I haven't taken many pictures these past few weeks and I didn't want to bore you with my words, but I don't want to lose all of my followers (all 7 of you!). So here comes a more wordy post...
Classes started last week, and let me tell you, UCT is so much more confusing, complicated, and annoying than Kenyon. From registration (which entailed 4 hours of line-waiting), to class sign ups (somehow I was enrolled in a class from last semester...), to seminar allocations (which are basically 3 extra classes in addition to my the way, one of them is a class on serial killers in film.. awesome!). It was really frustrating. As time progresses, I'm starting to really realize what it means to be living in Africa for 5 months. This means that I can't do things the way that I can in America (duh). For example...
The Internet is really starting to drive me crazy. South Africa has an internet system that charges you per the amount of data you use. So first of all, that means that the internet is NEVER free, and second of all, that means that the more data-rich things the internet has to offer, I can't use. That includes downloading movies/TV from iTunes, watching Netflix or any type of movie online, and skyping. So that's getting frustrating. All I want is to watch the Bachelorette (I know, it's my guilty pleasure).
The minibus' are also starting to drive me crazy. They're these vans that are really cheap and take you wherever you want. You cannot walk down the street without having an obnoxious man scream at your face, asking you where you want to go. I just don't understand. If I wanted to go to Weinberg (which is what they're ALWAYS advertising for), I would make it abundantly clear. No need to scream at my face and ask me if I want to go! Oh and the birds here are equally annoying, there is this one bird that lives on our street that hoots the same pattern hundreds of times a day. It's like this annoying techno beat that is INFURIATING.
Another thing that is beginning to frustrate me is my ghetto cell phone. Yes, I knew parting with my iPhone would be tough, and yes, I knew that I wouldn't be getting a phone that is nearly as advanced as the iPhone. But I was not prepared for my phone. It doesn't have a color screen, of course doesn't have a full keyboard, and doesn't have a "sent" messages folder. It also doesn't have an alarm clock, and did I mention it doesn't vibrate? Here's a pic of my loser phone so you can see for yourself.

The other day, I needed to find a movie to watch for my film class. Easy right? NO. NOT EASY. I couldn't download it on the internet because it's too expensive, I couldn't go to the cafe that gives you free internet because they have a cap off for amount of data to download, and they didn't have it at the DVD store in Rondebosch. So I decided to go to the movie rental place, which I had heard didn't rent to Americans but didn't believe it. I got there, asked for the movie, he literally FAKE typed on his computer and said "nope, don't have it." My friend noticed that he hadn't typed anything and called him out, to which he responded by fake typing AGAIN. Oh my God, I can't even tell you how infuriating it was. Okay, enough of my spoiled complaining, I just had to vent for a little. Sorry about that.
The last two weeks we did two fun activities. First, we went to Old Biscuit Mill which is a little farmers market that has the most AMAZING food. Mom- they have macaroons there like the ones I love! They have anything from pastries to flat breads to Thai food (yeah Ray!) to Ostrich burgers (yuck). We had an awesome time. Here are some pictures from the market.
The other fun South African thing we did this last week was go to a Rugby game. It was very interesting, a cool sport to watch, but because of certain circumstances was NOT an enjoyable experience. First of all, they don't allow you to bring alcohol into the stadium. So they have this gross grungy bar where you have to speed drink your drink of choice so as not to miss the game, and then continue to go back and forth if you decide you would like more to drink. So un-American and so unlike the spirit of sports events. The other problem is that Rugby fans are rude! I was talking with my friend and asking about the rules of the game when the woman in front of me turned around and interrupted us, rudely asking me "if you don't know the rules, then why are you here?" So rude! All the men either cat called us or mocked us for being there. So frustrating. Here's a picture of the game.
On my way home from volunteering (I'll post later about it with pictures), the sun was setting and WOW it was unbelievably gorgeous. It was like a neon orange color, unlike anything I've ever seen, and just like it is in movies and photographs. It was really amazing.
This weekend we have a three day weekend and have plans to go to a lot of cool places, so check back on Tuesday or later next week for a jam packed post. Miss you all and hey, you're welcome to send me an email guys... anyone... waiting... Just cause I have a blog doesn't mean you get to ignore me...
Love Always,
Loving the Blog Julia - Your voice is clear - even in your complaints. Interesting what frustrates and annoys you, and what delights you. Hope you are having a great long weekend.